Johannesson Lab at Stockholm University


Our way of conducting research and teaching is highly collaborative, where all opinions are taken into account and all voices heard, and we are united by a drive to learn more about fungi. We invite you to get in touch if you want to join us in this endeavor.


There is currently internal opportunities for joining the lab as a researcher. There are also several Swedish (e.g. Vetenskapsrådet, Wenner-Gren, Swedish Institute, Carl Tryggers) and international (e.g. Marie-Curie, Human Frontiers) funding bodies that provide fellowships for researchers who wish to conduct a post-doc with us. If you are interested in applying and your research interests are broadly similar to ours, please contact Hanna Johannesson.

PhD students

There are currently no PhD-openings in the lab.

Undergraduate and Master students

If you are interested in conducting your master thesis, “examensarbete”, or another research project, please send an email to Hanna Johannesson. Our research group welcomes students with a variety of skills and backgrounds, from evolutionary biology to bioinformatics, experimental evolution or mycology.