Hanna interviewed about "The Last of Us" TV series
Hanna Johannesson
March 31, 2023
February 27, 2025
Lately Hanna has been busy commenting on the threats of fungi in the news, as people are watching the series “The Last of Us”. Hopefully, the attention fungi get from the series will lead to more knowledge about fungi in the end! Here are the links!
- February 2023: guest in “Morgonpasset P3”
- February 2023: guest in “TV4 - Efter 5”
- February 2023: contributed to article in Sydsvenskan
- February 2023: contributed to article in Forskning och Framsteg
- March 2023: guest in “P1 morgon”
- March 2023: guest in “Vaken med P3 och P4”